"In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him." ~ Psalm 95:4

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Fingerprints of God

Good Morning!

I found this blog this morning and I couldn't resist to participate!!

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:

I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god

You know, I think it is really hard to simply pick one when it comes to seeing the fingerprints of God in my life! I can see it in my wonderful husband that he has sent to me. I can see it in the furkids when they follow so closely behind and help to protect me. I can see it when a piece of jewelry comes together and blesses the life of another. His fingerprints are EVERYWHERE!!

Thank you to The Rusted Chain for making me think about this today!! Sometimes it is simply needed to bring focus back to the reason we are here!

Feel free to join in on the fun by visiting The Rusted Chain blog:

God's Blessings!


  1. Beautiful photos! I agree it is hard to try to narrow it down to one thing or one photo because if we will only open our eyes, we will see Him everywhere!

  2. Truly beautiful Fingerprints are all around you. You have been very very blessed~

  3. So glad you joined us for Fingerprint Friday! Your photos are lovely - so much to be thankful for!


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